Proclaimed one of my students yesterday. He was explaining to me that the monster in the story was furry, but the monster in the picture was not. Then he said: "Made in China!" Apparently it is synonymous with "Error, teacher!"
So I've been taking Taekwondo. And Ohhhh man does it hurt. I pulled a neck muscle at some point and now I can't look to one side. My stomach also hurts because of sit ups, and my shoulders hurt because of push ups. I go every day of the week, too, which is a lot more than I went to Kung Fu--ever! In addition, it's a private class, basically, so I'm never out of focus. Ohhh man. But I am learning a lot of Korean, and I know I am going to have a lot of fun. But right now my whole freakin body hurts. Owwww. :D
Perhaps your body is Made in China.