Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Well! Here we go again!

My flight is leaving in five hours! I should probably be sleeping. But instead I am attempting to save up my sleeping hours for on flight. I don't feel ready for all of this... but I guess you never are! It's a different kind of 'not ready' that I felt when I was about to leave for Ghana. I've been a traveler before, this time. I've lived abroad and I've been places where I am different just by virtue of being me.

Every night before I am leaving for a big trip, I put my suitcases in the foyer by the door. I like to try and get them down the stairs while I'm not half asleep. My red suitcase is sitting there now. It's the red suitcase that I bought from a market woman in Madina, the market in Ghana. I brought it back with me to hold all my Ghanaian things. Now it is mostly broken, but it is going to make one more trip and then I will probably throw it away entirely. That's what you get for buying a suitcase for 25$. But I guess you know after that how much they are *really* worth.

This isn't really a trip, though. I'm moving. I mean I can even legally get out of my cell phone contract. And on top of that, I don't really FEEL like I'm moving. I just kind of feel like "yep. Here we go." I guess after all that moving around, this is probably what I was hoping to achieve at some point. Just another "here we go." New places, new loves, new clothes, new food, new shoes. (Especially because I had to toss all of mine out because of the weight limit! It's alright. I didn't like them much anyway.) New apartment. New job. New language. New world. And it doesn't feel too overwhelming this time. It just feels like business as usual.

Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that I will be in transit for 36 hours! Well.. not really 36 hours. But once you add the 14 hour time difference, then it is. I leave at 6:50 am. I leave for the airport at 4:30am. Then I wait for the flight to San Fransisco. That's 4 hours. Then I have 5 hours in San Fransisco. (Playing Civ4, I will have you know.) Then 12 hours to Seoul. Then at Seoul I have to find my way to a bus to Daejeon. Then I have to sit on that bus for 3 hours. I will get there probably at 9:00pm on Wednesday evening. Putain! That's so long! Maybe that's why I'm not feeling like I will be there soon. Because I won't, really.

Though, as Frank says... "It will probably settle in when you're over the Pacific and all you can see is ocean."

Yeah. Probably.

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