Thursday, September 10, 2009


Okay so here are pictures from my excursion yesterday--minus the exploding washing machine. I am so glad it is Friday today, lol. The view from my window:

To the right....

In the center... (When I was really jetlagged, and up at 7am, the old ladies would come out and pick their gardens in the dawn light.)

To the left... Is that? A mountain? Yesserie, it is.

Down my street, from the top of the hill. My apartment building is one of those white faces. I think it's the farthest one.
A pagoda sitting in front of a nice apartment building on the corner of the main road.

These are the steps leading from the trail to the graveyard. These small steps are hidden, and I think they lead to a path that goes around back. The large steps on the left are the main steps.

Then... the grave yard. Buddhist graves have little roofs on the top, but Korean graves are mounds. They seem to have a lot more room in Korea for graves than they do in Japan!
A close up of the magnificent view... Behold! Daejeon! Then I walked down from the graveyard, following the hill, to the place over the main road's tunnel. It has been planted with trees, possibly even fruit trees, but I don't know if anyone is cultivating them. In this view you can almost see my house...
This is the hill over the tunnel.

And this is what you can see from the other side of the Tunnel! (I was pretty sure I wasn't supposed to be over there... haha, but I was sure I was on the right side of the bulldog sign, lol.)


  1. Looks soooo peaceful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow, those houses in picture #2 look just like a Midwest exurb.

    Globalization is an incredible thing.

  3. Oh dear. The Naked Tourist was right. More AnyWherever.

  4. Haha, that particular house does. There are others that look very Mediterranian. But... in these pictures they look like regular suburban houses--but then when you are standing next to them, you realize that they aren't. Why? Because they are about 2 feet shorter than our houses, haha. Everything is smaller.
